
H Colours Of The World


BBB (Beauty Black Blue), watercolor

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Contact: art@phebus.brussels



La Citadelle de Namur

La Citadelle de Namur

Namur, la citadelle vue du Grognon

Namur, la citadelle vue du Grognon


Hommages à Phébus

Quelques citations:

"NOUS TROUVONS VOTRE TRAVAIL TRES INTERESSANT, A MIS CHEMIN  entre certains travaux de Pollock, Dali et  Picasso. Vraiment peu commun..."

O. Ledogar - Galeriste et Fondateur de oho-art

Janvier 2010

" (...) Avec son amour, avec sa passion, avec son talent. "

Eddy Przybylski - Juin 1990


" (...) qui apporte egalement un SURCROIT de valeur aux oeuvres de ce perfectionniste (....) "

Rene Danloy -mai 1990


" (...) Phebus vous enmene dans son univers fantasque et imaginaire (...)

A.C. La Nouvelle Gazette - decembre 1998


" De l'Abstrait accessible! "

                Aurelie Meunier - decembre 1998

Sint Niklaas - Gent

Eglise St Nicolas, Gand - Sint Niklaas, Gent

The Gold Book Selection

"Your artwork brings a smile to my face. I believe I am responding to the delicate balance you have maintained, the bold color choices, and the subtle messages. What a pleasure, Philippe!"

Dana L. Raines, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, United States


"I like your Paintings, they're cool!"

Pierre Soudan, San Diego, CA, United States


"I do like your art. Very interesting style and reminiscent of artists that I enjoy like Keith Haring and Pollock. "

Derek Tomlinson male, United States



Ariel Peniche, designer - New York City (►► www.kree8.blogspot.com )


"...and it led me to look at your work. I am quite impressed! "

Robyn Flach, Web designer - Champlin, MN, United States


"Hi Philippe, I see that you are very talent, ... "

Myriam Rosiles,  - San Francisco bay, United States


"I'm intrigued by your art- I especially like your picture titled  
"La Samourai." ... "

Logan Riley, -www.worldartmedia.com, United States

